About Me

My name is Dominic Brant. I’m an IT professional with experience in troubleshooting and configuring devices and services for large, established companies and startups alike.
One of my primary hobbies is web development (full-stack but with a greater focus on front-end). Below is an overview of my skills and a portfolio featuring some of my projects.
My Skills
- Practical, self-taught knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, (including React), making interactive, responsive, and accessible websites using these languages' newest features and standards.
- Server-side knowledge in making REST APIs, HTTP servers, CLIs, and other utilities with Node.js.
- While I don't use them often in my projects, I have a beginner level of familiarity with JQuery and Python.
- Photo manipulation using Pixelmator. Graphic design creating vector drawings using Gravit.
Things I've Made
Weather App
Shows the weather forecast for either today or the next five days.
Built with: React Hooks, Reach Router, OpenWeatherMap, and Netlify Functions.
Blurry Image Load
A progressive image loading library. Inspired by Medium’s similar technique.
Built with: CSS, Javascript.
Wallpaper Creator
Allows the user to upload a photo, and creates a wallpaper for their device. The wallpaper consists of the photo centered over a blurred background.
Built with: Node.js (Express and Sharp).
A website for a fake company.
Built with: HTML, CSS, Javascript.